The parks are not completely abandoned. Speculators, hunters and lumbers continue watching over for the destruction. Demand your government to take action against the destruction of the environment.
Questions of the environment do not concern the government. Trees and animals do not vote.
Demand your government to take action against the destruction of the environment.
Demand your government to take action against the destruction of the environment.
Questions of the environment do not concern the government. Trees and animals do not vote.
Demand your government to take action against the destruction of the environment.
Demand your government to take action against the destruction of the environment.
The green of the flag is bushes. Yellow is the color of the projects that's been put away in drawers.
Demand your government to take action against the destruction of the environment.
Demand your government to take action against the destruction of the environment.
Advertising Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Brazil
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